SET - Skills Evolution Tool
by Tknika - Innovation in Basque Vocational Training
🗂️ Education
Features SET - Skills Evolution Tool
Tknikak diseinatutako SET (Skill Evolution Tool) aplikazioa, ikasleen konpetentzien eboluzio neurtzeko egin da Maila.
Aplikazio honek online dagoen Bereko izen program egiten du lan batekin battery.
honen helbidea hau online program provides: program gives bai, bai aplikazioa erabili izateko ahal erregistratua egotea.
Horretarako Tknikan eskatu behar da baimena.
Euskadiko Lehentasuna Lanbide Heziketako irakasleei Aldaketa eta lan metodologikoan egiten ari direnei emango zaie.
Bestelako eskaerak banan banan aztertuko dira.SET-i dagokionez, zein Iraskaleek ikasleek erabili dezakete.
Irakasleek 3 ataza egin ditzakete:Behaketen bitartez ikasleek gellan erakutsitako jarrerak eta Ekintzak sisteman sartzea.Ikasleek garatutako konpetentzia maila ebaluatzea.Ikasleen ebaluaketetako emaitzak Grafiko modu / ebolutibo azaltzea bat.
Modu honetan konpetentzia hauek hobetzen langudu diezaiekete.Programak baimentzen dituen beste atazak egin nahi izanez Gero online bertsioaren bitartez egin beharko dira.Aplikazioaren bitartez ikasleek Hurrengo 3 ataza egin ditzakete:Eta Haiek taldekideek garatutako maila konpetentzia ebaluatzea.Beraien ebaluaketetako emaitzak Grafiko modu / ebolutibo konsultatzea bat.
Modu honetan errezagoa egingo zaie nola jakitea hobetu.Hurrengo lan aldietan jorratuko dituzten Hobekuntza-konpromisoak sisteman sartzea.-----The SET (Skill Evolution Tool) application has been designed by Tknika to measure the degree of development of the skills of alumni / ae.
This application works in conjunction with an online program that has the same name and which can be accessed from the following address: use both the program and the application is necessary to be registered, which must be requested Tknika.
In principle this authorization will be given only to teachers / as vocational training in the Basque Country who are working on the methodological change in the classroom.
In the remaining cases it will study each request individually.With respect to the SET application, it is can be used both by teachers and pupils.
Teachers can perform 3 tasks:Make observations on the behavior and actions of students in class.Assess the degree of achievement of the skills of their students.Check the results of evaluations of students / as a graphic / evolution to help on how to improve those skills format.The rest of the program options will be accessible only through the online version.Through the application students can perform the following three tasks:Assess the degree of achievement of its powers and those of their classmates.Check the results of their evaluations in a graphic / evolutionary format that invite them to reflect on how to improve those skillsIntroduced into the system improvement certain commitments facing acquire the following periods of work.
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See the SET - Skills Evolution Tool in Action
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Available for Android 8.0 and above